Wetland Jobs: April 12, 2024

Wetland Jobs

🌿 Swamp School’s Weekly Wetland Scientist Jobs Update! 🌿

Happy Friday, eco-enthusiasts! 🎉 Every week, we bring you the freshest opportunities in the field of wetland science. Dive into our curated list of the top 10 wetland scientist positions that have been posted in the last 15 days, sourced directly from employers across the United States.

Whether you’re a recent graduate looking to start your career, or a seasoned professional seeking new challenges, our list has something for everyone interested in conserving and studying our precious wetlands.

🔍 What’s included:

  • Job title, location, and employer
  • Brief description of the role
  • Link to the job posting for more information.

Stay informed and stay ahead in your career with Swamp School. Don’t forget to check back every Friday for new postings!

👉 Start exploring today and make a splash in your career!

  1. Seasonal Biological Field Technician
    Employer: Olofson Environmental, Inc.
    Location: San Francisco Bay Area, CA
    Description: Seasonal fieldwork role.
    More Information
  2. Environmental Protection Specialist
    Employer: Federal Emergency Management Agency
    Location: Oakland, CA
    Description: Involves environmental protection duties.
    More Information
  3. Seasonal Wetland Ecology Technician
    Employer: City of Boulder, Open Space and Mountain Parks
    Location: Boulder, CO
    Description: Seasonal ecological and conservation work.
    More Information
  4. Wetland Technician
    Employer: City of Boulder
    Location: Boulder, CO
    Description: Focus on wetland-related tasks and assessments.
    More Information Here
  5. OPS F&W Biological Scientist II
    Employer: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
    Location: Gulf Breeze, FL
    Description: Focuses on biological science within wetlands.
    More Information
  6. Visiting Scientific Specialist, Wetlands Geology
    Employer: Illinois State Geological Survey, Prairie Research Institute
    Location: Champaign, IL
    Description: Role involves scientific research in wetlands geology.
    More Information
  7. Program Assistant (Farm Bill)
    Employer: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
    Location: Ellsworth, ME
    Description: Assists with conservation programs under the Farm Bill.
    More Information
  8. Wetland Scientist / Project Manager
    Employer: Hancock Associates
    Location: Boston or Danvers, MA
    Description: Combines project management with wetland science.
    More Information
  9. Biologist
    Employer: Montana Department of Transportation
    Location: Helena, MT
    Description: Involves biological assessments and environmental compliance.
    More Information
  10. Wetland Services Program Leader
    Employer: TRC Companies
    Location: Liverpool, NY (remote possibility)
    Description: Leadership role in wetland services and program management.
    More Information

Navigating New Waters: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Strategic Response to the Sackett Decision and the Future of Wetland Protections

wetland impacts

In the aftermath of the pivotal Supreme Court ruling in Sackett v. EPA, a seismic shift has occurred in the legal framework governing the protections of the United States’ waters and wetlands under the Clean Water Act (CWA). The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, tasked with a significant portion of the Act’s implementation through its permitting program, has issued a detailed memorandum dated March 22, 2024, outlining a nuanced and multifaceted strategy to adapt to and mitigate the implications of this landmark decision.

The crux of the Sackett ruling lies in its narrow reinterpretation of the “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS), a critical term under the CWA that delineates the extent of federal jurisdiction over the nation’s aquatic resources. Historically, the scope of WOTUS has been subject to regulatory definitions since the 1970s, with the latest iteration promulgated on September 8, 2023. The Supreme Court’s decision, however, significantly contracted the ambit of federally protected wetlands, specifically those without a continuous surface connection to larger bodies of water, thereby excluding them from the protections afforded by the Act.

This memo from the Army Corps of Engineers charts a forward-looking course, underscoring the imperative to leverage existing legal authorities and resources to safeguard and enhance the resilience of these now more vulnerable aquatic ecosystems. It articulates a comprehensive strategy encompassing Civil Works Actions and Regulatory Program Actions, each with specific initiatives designed to address the challenges posed by the Sackett decision.

Civil Works Actions

The memo delineates several key actions within the Corps’ Civil Works mission to bolster aquatic ecosystem restoration, technical assistance, and the integration of nature-based solutions. These efforts are premised on a nuanced understanding of the ecosystem services rendered by waters and wetlands, emphasizing their critical role in flood mitigation, water quality enhancement, and habitat provision.

  1. Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration: The directive prioritizes projects that restore hydrologic connectivity and improve the physical and biological integrity of ecosystems impacted by the Sackett decision. This includes an emphasis on Section 206 of the Continuing Authorities Program (CAP), highlighting the strategic allocation of resources towards projects that align with the watershed-based needs elucidated by the ruling.
  2. Technical Assistance Programs: Recognizing the pivotal role of state, local, and tribal entities in aquatic resource management, the memo underscores the Corps’ commitment to providing expert guidance and planning assistance. This is particularly relevant for entities navigating the altered regulatory landscape post-Sackett, with a focus on fostering resilience in ecosystems stripped of federal protection under the narrowed WOTUS definition.
  3. Nature-Based Solutions: The memo advocates for the broader adoption of nature-based solutions in Civil Works projects, aligning with ongoing research and development initiatives. This approach is posited as a means to enhance project sustainability and ecological benefits, especially in light of the reduced jurisdictional scope for wetland protections.

Regulatory Program Actions

In addressing the regulatory implications of the Sackett decision, the memo places a strong emphasis on transparency and compensatory mitigation:

  1. Approved Jurisdictional Determinations: It mandates the continuation of transparent processes in issuing jurisdictional determinations, vital for providing stakeholders with clarity on the jurisdictional status of aquatic resources post-Sackett. This transparency is instrumental in enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning by affected parties.
  2. Compensatory Mitigation: Crucially, the memo reiterates that the jurisdictional status of waters and wetlands, as delineated by the WOTUS definition, does not preclude their eligibility for serving as compensatory mitigation under Corps permits. This policy stance is particularly significant, underscoring the Corps’ commitment to a functional and ecological assessment of aquatic resources for mitigation purposes, beyond the binary jurisdictional categorizations constrained by the Sackett ruling.

The memorandum issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers post-Sackett decision is a testament to the agency’s commitment to navigating the complex interplay between environmental protection and legal mandates. Through a meticulous articulation of strategic actions, the Corps aims to fortify the resilience and ecological integrity of the nation’s waters and wetlands, navigating the nuanced legal terrain sculpted by the Supreme Court’s decision. This document not only outlines a path forward in the wake of reduced federal oversight but also reinforces the enduring value of aquatic ecosystems to the nation’s environmental, economic, and social well-being.

Celebrating Nature’s Palette: A Deep Dive into Three Exquisite Wildflowers

In the vast tapestry of the natural world, wildflowers stand as vibrant testaments to the beauty and resilience of flora. Among the myriad of species that grace landscapes worldwide, three particularly captivating varieties capture the hearts of nature enthusiasts and botanists alike: the Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis), Oswego Tea (Monarda didyma), and Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum virginianum). These botanical treasures, each with its unique charm and ecological significance, offer a glimpse into the intricate web of life that sustains our planet.

The Cardinal Flower: A Splash of Fiery Red

The Cardinal Flower, scientifically known as Lobelia cardinalis, is a perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the bellflower family. Its striking red flowers, which resemble the vivid robes of Roman Catholic cardinals, are not just a feast for the eyes; they play a crucial role in the ecosystem. The plant thrives in wet environments along streams, rivers, and swamps across North America.

One of the most remarkable features of the Cardinal Flower is its pollination strategy. The plant’s nectar-rich flowers attract hummingbirds, which are among the few creatures capable of navigating their deep, tubular blossoms. This mutualistic relationship underscores the intricate connections within ecosystems, where each organism plays a role in sustaining others.

The Cardinal Flower’s ecological value extends beyond its beauty and role in pollination. It serves as an indicator species for healthy wetland habitats, which are vital for water filtration and flood mitigation. Preserving these areas is crucial for maintaining biodiversity and ecological balance.

Oswego Tea: A Historical and Aromatic Marvel

Oswego Tea, or Monarda didyma, is another gem of the wildflower world. This perennial, belonging to the mint family, is distinguished by its vibrant red flowers and aromatic leaves. Native to North America, it thrives in moist, rich soils in woodlands and along stream banks. The plant’s common name pays homage to the Oswego Native Americans, who introduced it to European settlers as a medicinal and culinary herb.

Beyond its striking appearance, Oswego Tea has a rich historical significance. It was used as a substitute for tea after the Boston Tea Party, during a time when American colonists boycotted British tea. Its leaves, rich in thymol, have antiseptic properties and were used medicinally by Native Americans to treat a variety of ailments.

Today, Oswego Tea continues to be valued for its beauty and aromatic qualities. It attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, playing a pivotal role in pollination. Its presence in a garden not only adds a splash of color but also supports local wildlife and promotes biodiversity.

Mountain Mint: The Unsung Hero of the Wildflower World

Pycnanthemum virginianum, commonly known as Mountain Mint, might not boast the bold colors of the Cardinal Flower or Oswego Tea, but its understated elegance and ecological importance are undeniable. This perennial herb, native to North America, flourishes in prairies, woodlands, and along stream banks. Its leaves and stems are covered in a fine, white pubescence, giving the plant a frosty appearance.

Mountain Mint is a powerhouse of ecological benefits. Its tiny, white or pale purple flowers are a magnet for a wide variety of pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and wasps. The plant’s ability to attract such a diverse range of insects makes it a keystone species in its habitat, supporting not only pollinators but also the birds and mammals that feed on them.

Moreover, Mountain Mint is prized for its medicinal properties and aromatic qualities. Its leaves contain pulegone, a natural insect repellent, making it a valuable plant for natural pest control in gardens and agricultural fields.

Conservation and Appreciation: The Way Forward

As we delve into the wonders of the Cardinal Flower, Oswego Tea, and Mountain Mint, it becomes clear that wildflowers are more than just decorative elements in our landscapes. They are vital components of ecosystems, providing essential services from pollination to pest control, and supporting a diverse array of wildlife.

Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these and other wildflower species from threats such as habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change. By preserving natural habitats and practicing sustainable gardening and landscaping, we can help ensure that these botanical treasures continue to thrive for generations to come.

Wildflowers, with their beauty and ecological significance, remind us of the intricate connections that sustain life on Earth. By appreciating and protecting them, we celebrate the richness of biodiversity and the resilience of nature. Let the Cardinal Flower, Oswego Tea, and Mountain Mint inspire us to cherish and safeguard the natural world, recognizing that in its health and vitality lies our own.

Enhancing Nationwide Wetland Permitting: Integrating the Stream Duration Assessment Model (SDAM) with State-Specific Approaches Across the U.S

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has developed the Stream Duration Assessment Model (SDAM), a groundbreaking tool that significantly enhances the regulatory oversight and protection of the nation’s water resources. This model plays a critical role in managing and safeguarding streams and wetlands, crucial for maintaining biodiversity, water quality, and flood mitigation. The SDAM is designed to classify streams based on their flow characteristics—perennial, intermittent, or ephemeral—crucial for determining the jurisdictional status of water bodies under the Clean Water Act (CWA). This article explores the integration of state-established models with the SDAM for regulatory purposes and highlights its nationwide applicability for wetland permits.

The SDAM employs a science-based approach, integrating hydrological data, GIS analyses, and field observations to assess stream flow characteristics accurately. This standardized method is vital for delineating the scope of regulatory oversight, ensuring environmental impacts are thoroughly evaluated and mitigated, particularly in the context of Section 404 of the CWA, which governs the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States.

State-established models of stream flow complement the SDAM by providing detailed insights into the flow regimes of streams within specific geographic areas. These models, developed based on localized data, enhance the precision of the SDAM by incorporating nuanced understandings of stream behavior, reflecting the unique ecological conditions of different regions. Integrating these models involves aligning methodological approaches, standardizing stream type definitions, and harmonizing data analysis techniques to ensure consistency across jurisdictions.

The combined use of the SDAM and state models offers a more nuanced assessment of streams for regulatory purposes. It facilitates more informed decisions regarding wetland permits by identifying streams with significant ecological functions or those critical to maintaining watershed health. This approach supports a more adaptive and responsive regulatory framework, allowing for updates with new data as environmental conditions change, ensuring the relevance and effectiveness of stream assessments.

Nationwide, the applicability of the SDAM, enhanced by state-specific models, encourages collaboration among federal, state, and local agencies. This collaborative approach improves the regulatory process’s efficiency and fosters a shared commitment to protecting water resources. It exemplifies the balance between economic development and environmental stewardship, promoting the sustainable management of aquatic ecosystems.

Furthermore, the integration of state models with the SDAM highlights the USACE’s commitment to using science and technology to improve environmental regulation. It reflects a shift towards data-driven decision-making, setting a precedent for future innovations in water resource management. As the model is refined and updated, its utility for regulatory purposes will continue to improve, ensuring that development and infrastructure projects proceed in an environmentally responsible manner.

The integration of the Stream Duration Assessment Model (SDAM) with state-specific methods, such as the North Carolina (NC) method for assessing stream flows, exemplifies a tailored approach to environmental regulation and water resource management. North Carolina has developed its own methodologies for classifying streams and assessing their ecological significance, which can complement the broader framework of the SDAM.

Example: North Carolina’s Stream Identification Method

North Carolina’s method for stream identification and classification is designed to meet the unique ecological and hydrological conditions of the state, which range from the Appalachian Mountains in the west to the coastal plains in the east. This method involves detailed field assessments, including the examination of physical, chemical, and biological indicators to determine stream types and their jurisdictional status under state and federal regulations.

Key aspects of the NC method include:

  1. Physical Indicators: These include the presence of a well-defined channel, bed and banks, and evidence of flow (e.g., water marks, sediment sorting) to distinguish between perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral streams.
  2. Biological Indicators: The presence of aquatic life, such as fish and macroinvertebrates, which are indicative of perennial or intermittent streams capable of supporting diverse biological communities.
  3. Hydrological Data: Use of historical precipitation, stream gauge data, and other hydrological models to predict flow durations and patterns throughout the state’s diverse landscapes.

Integrating the NC method with the SDAM allows for a comprehensive assessment that leverages local expertise and data while aligning with national standards for water resource management. This integration enhances the precision of stream classifications and the effectiveness of regulatory processes, including permitting for activities that impact water resources.

For example, when a developer proposes a project in North Carolina that may affect waterways, the combined use of the NC method and the SDAM ensures a thorough evaluation of potential impacts on stream flow and aquatic habitats. This dual approach facilitates informed decision-making regarding permit issuance, mitigation measures, and conservation efforts, balancing development needs with environmental protection.

Nationwide Implications

The example of North Carolina illustrates how state-specific methods can enhance the effectiveness of the SDAM in managing water resources across the U.S. By integrating localized approaches with the broader framework of the SDAM, states can ensure that regulatory processes are adapted to their unique environmental conditions, promoting sustainable water resource management and protection at both the state and national levels. This collaborative approach underscores the importance of tailored strategies in addressing the complex challenges of environmental stewardship and water resource regulation.

Wetlands at the Water’s Edge

Navigating the Confluence of WOTUS, SDAM, and OHWM in Ecosystem Assessment

The integration of the Waters of the United States (WOTUS), the Stream Duration Assessment Model (SDAM), and the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) in wetland assessment provides a holistic approach to identifying and protecting these ecologically significant areas. However, this integration is not without its challenges, which stem from the complexity of wetland ecosystems, the nuances of environmental regulation, and the need for precise scientific data. Expanding on these challenges and opportunities reveals the intricacies involved in effective wetland management.

Data Precision and Availability

One of the foremost challenges in integrating WOTUS, SDAM, and OHWM is the need for high-quality, precise data. Wetland assessment requires detailed information on hydrology, soil types, vegetation, and other ecological indicators. The accuracy of this data directly impacts the determination of WOTUS boundaries, the application of SDAM, and the identification of the OHWM. However, obtaining such data can be resource-intensive, requiring extensive field surveys, remote sensing technology, and hydrological modeling. Moreover, the dynamic nature of wetlands, which may change seasonally or due to climate impacts, adds to the complexity of maintaining up-to-date and relevant data.

Interagency Coordination

Effective integration of these assessment tools also depends on robust interagency coordination. The regulatory landscape of wetland protection in the United States involves multiple federal agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and state and local entities. Each agency may have different mandates, priorities, and methodologies, which can lead to challenges in achieving a unified approach to wetland assessment and protection. Streamlining communication, data sharing, and regulatory processes among these entities is crucial for the effective implementation of WOTUS, SDAM, and OHWM standards.

Dynamic Nature of Wetland Ecosystems

Wetlands are dynamic systems that respond to a variety of environmental factors, including precipitation patterns, river flow regimes, and human activities. The transient nature of these ecosystems poses a significant challenge to the static frameworks used for their assessment and regulation. For instance, the OHWM might shift due to natural sedimentation processes or human-induced changes in water flow, requiring constant monitoring and adjustment of regulatory boundaries. Similarly, the flow characteristics used in SDAM assessments may vary, affecting the classification of water bodies connected to wetlands. Adapting regulatory approaches to account for these dynamic changes is essential for the long-term protection and management of wetland resources.

Legal and Policy Frameworks

The legal and policy frameworks governing wetland protection, particularly the definition and application of WOTUS, have been subject to significant legal challenges and policy shifts over the years. These changes can lead to uncertainty and inconsistency in wetland assessment and protection efforts. For practitioners and stakeholders, staying informed about current regulations and understanding how they apply to different wetland types and situations is a continual challenge. Ensuring that legal frameworks are both scientifically grounded and flexible enough to adapt to new environmental insights is crucial for effective wetland management.


Integrating WOTUS, SDAM, and OHWM in wetland assessment requires navigating complex environmental, regulatory, and technical landscapes. Addressing the challenges of data precision, interagency coordination, the dynamic nature of wetlands, and evolving legal frameworks is essential for creating a coherent and effective approach to wetland protection. Embracing adaptive management strategies, fostering collaboration among stakeholders, and investing in research and monitoring are key steps toward ensuring that wetlands continue to provide their invaluable ecological services for generations to come.

Exciting Relocation Announcement: The Swamp School Finds a New Home in Apex, NC

We are moving!

We are delighted to share some thrilling news with all our Swamp School supporters and enthusiasts! After many years of growth and dedication to wetlands education and environmental stewardship, the Swamp School is on the move. We’re proud to announce our new location at 315 S Salem, Suite 310, Apex, NC 27502. This relocation marks a significant milestone in our journey, and we can’t wait to embark on this new chapter with all of you.

The Swamp School has always been deeply committed to offering top-quality education and training in the field of wetlands and natural resource management. We believe that understanding and conserving wetlands is crucial for the well-being of our environment and communities. With our move to Apex, we are taking a giant leap towards achieving this mission even more effectively.

Why Apex, NC?

Apex is a vibrant and thriving community located in the heart of North Carolina’s Research Triangle region. This area is known for its commitment to education, innovation, and environmental conservation, making it the perfect home for the Swamp School. Apex’s strategic location provides easy access for students and enthusiasts from various parts of North Carolina and beyond.

Our new location offers a spacious and modern environment that will enhance the learning experience for our students. We are dedicated to maintaining the high standard of education and training that the Swamp School is known for, and our new facility will play a crucial role in achieving this goal.

Our Commitment to Wetlands Education

At the Swamp School, our passion lies in promoting a deeper understanding of wetlands and their vital role in the ecosystem. We believe that by educating individuals and communities about wetlands, we can empower them to become stewards of these unique and precious environments.

Our relocation to Apex allows us to expand our reach and impact. We are excited to continue offering a wide range of courses, workshops, and resources that cater to various levels of expertise, from beginners to seasoned professionals. Whether you’re interested in wetland delineation, plant identification, or habitat restoration, we have something for everyone.

Open House Event – Save the Date!

To celebrate our new home in Apex and to express our gratitude for your unwavering support, we are planning an Open House event that you won’t want to miss! This event will provide an opportunity for you to:

  1. Explore Our New Facilities: Get an exclusive first look at our state-of-the-art classrooms, laboratories, and resources that will enhance your learning experience.
  2. Meet Our Expert Instructors: Interact with our team of passionate and knowledgeable instructors who are at the forefront of wetlands education.
  3. Learn About Our Programs: Discover the diverse range of educational programs, certifications, and training opportunities that we offer.
  4. Connect with Like-Minded Individuals: Network with fellow wetlands enthusiasts, environmentalists, and professionals who share your passion for conservation.
  5. Participate in Engaging Activities: Enjoy hands-on activities, demonstrations, and presentations that showcase the fascinating world of wetlands.

This Open House event will be a fantastic opportunity to get a taste of what the Swamp School has to offer and how our relocation to Apex will benefit you and the community. We encourage you to invite friends, family, and colleagues who might be interested in wetlands education and conservation.

Stay Updated with Us

To ensure you don’t miss any updates regarding the Open House event and other exciting developments at the Swamp School, make sure to follow us on our website and social media channels. We’ll be sharing more details about the event date and registration soon.

The Swamp School is grateful for the support and trust you’ve shown us throughout the years. We are committed to continuing our mission of promoting wetlands education and conservation, and we look forward to welcoming you to our new home in Apex, NC.

Thank you for being a part of our journey, and we can’t wait to see you at our Open House event in our brand-new location! Together, we’ll make a positive impact on wetlands and the environment. 🌱💚

#SwampSchool #NewLocation #OpenHouse #WetlandsEducation #ApexNC #EnvironmentalConservation #CommunityEvent

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Scout Motors is Filling In a Lot of Wetlands

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Environmental advocates are closely monitoring the developments at the site of the massive electric vehicle plant slated for Blythewood in Richland County, with growing concerns about its impact on the delicate wetlands in the area.

Construction crews are back to work after receiving a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, allowing them to resume work that had initially been halted due to worries about wetlands damage.

This project has garnered significant attention, particularly after a report by WIS 10 news suggested that the Scout site could potentially impact a staggering 70,000 acres of wetlands, nearly 40,000 acres of ponds, and approximately 35,000 linear feet of tributaries. However, it’s important to note that this report is highly inaccurate and continues to be the top result in Google news searches related to the project.

While the correct figures are somewhat lower, they are still concerning. The USACOE’s permit will authorize the filling or disturbance of 74 acres of wetlands, 38 acres of ponds, and 7 miles of creek.

The new Scout Plant is situated off Interstate 77 in the northern part of Richland County, but questions and apprehensions loom large regarding its potential environmental impact, and the community is eagerly awaiting answers.

Blythewood Mayor Sloan Griffin shared his thoughts, saying, “It’s scary. Change is always accompanied by uncertainty. There are two sides to every coin – heads and tails. Some are excited, looking forward to the promise of 4,000 jobs and increased business opportunities in Blythewood, thanks to Scout.”

Construction will soon resume on the vast 1,600-acre site in Blythewood, where the Scout Motors manufacturing plant is set to be located.

Last September, Scout had to pause its work following concerns raised by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which had identified evidence of wetlands damage even before the permit was issued.

Additionally, there’s a noteworthy finding indicating that one of the archeological sites, known as 38RD1468, is recommended for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) under Criterion D. It holds potential for yielding significant insights into the area’s prehistory. However, it’s important to mention that there was not enough data collected during the Phase II investigations to determine its eligibility under other criteria (Criteria A, B, and C).

The Scout Motors project is undeniably intriguing. They are embarking on the production of electric trucks, a technology yet untested in the transportation of goods. This raises questions about the necessity of destroying 75 acres of wetlands for an unproven technology that may or may not compete effectively with traditional trucking methods. While the transition away from fossil fuels is commendable, it’s crucial to ponder whether it should come at the significant cost of our natural environment. Surely, alternative locations with less environmental impact could have been considered for this venture.

Part 2: Tackling the Invasive Menace in Florida’s Everglades

The Battle Against Invasive Species: Florida’s Frontline Strategies

Florida’s picturesque Everglades, a mosaic of wetlands and wildlife, is under siege. The culprits? Invasive species. In Part 1, we explored the nature of these intruders and their impact on this unique ecosystem. Now, let’s delve into the strategies and initiatives in place to combat this ecological threat.

1. Policy Initiatives: Stricter Regulations and Enforcement

One of the key approaches to combating invasive species is through policy. Stricter regulations on pet trading are essential in curbing the introduction of non-native species into Florida’s ecosystems. The state has implemented more rigorous laws and enforcement measures to monitor and control the exotic pet trade. These efforts aim to reduce the chances of animals like Burmese pythons or lionfish being released or escaping into the wild.

The lionfish is a species native to the Indo-Pacific region, but populations of this fish have exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, the Southeast coast of the U.S., and the Carribean ocean. These fish have few predators, and researchers suspect lionfish kept as pets were released into the wild by their owners in the 1980s, resulting in the large invasive population present today. Photo courtesy of Alabama.com

2. Innovative Land Management Techniques

Effective land management is crucial in the fight against invasive species. Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR) systems are in place to identify invasive species quickly and control them before they can reproduce and spread. The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and other organizations employ cutting-edge technologies and methodologies for monitoring and managing these species. This includes using drones for surveillance and employing biological control methods where natural predators of invasive species are introduced in a controlled manner.

3. Community Engagement and Education

Raising awareness and engaging the community is another critical component. Programs like TNC’s Python Patrol and Everglades CISMA’s IveGot1 encourage public participation in spotting and reporting invasive species. Educational campaigns focus on responsible pet ownership to prevent the release of exotic pets into the wild. The Swamp School and other educational institutions offer courses and workshops to educate residents and visitors about the importance of preserving native species and habitats.

The Argentine black and white tegu is a species common in the pet trade. Pets were released into the wild and now the invasive population is growing, threatening native bird and reptile species. Photo courtesy of Reptile Jam.

4. Research and Collaboration

Ongoing research is pivotal in understanding the behavior and impact of invasive species. Collaborations between universities, conservation organizations, and government agencies are central to developing effective management strategies. Studies focus on the ecological impact of these species and explore new ways to control their populations.

A large, invasive amphibian that will eat whatever it can fit in its mouth is not good news for native species, and unfortunately, wildlife researchers in the U.S. now have to contend with such a species: the Cuban tree frog. The invasive population in Florida is growing, and these large frogs, which consume native amphibians as part of their diet, have been found as far away as Vermont. Photo courtesy of Denise Gregoire of the U.S. Geological Survey.

5. Harnessing Technology and Innovation

Technology plays a significant role in this battle. From advanced tracking systems to genetic studies, scientists and conservationists are leveraging technology to better understand and control invasive populations. Innovations in this field are continually evolving, offering new hope in the fight against these ecological invaders.

The Road Ahead

The battle against invasive species in Florida’s Everglades is ongoing and complex. It requires a multifaceted approach, combining policy, management, education, research, and technology. The commitment of government agencies, conservation groups, scientists, and the public is crucial in preserving this unique ecosystem for future generations.

Stay tuned for more updates on this pressing environmental issue, and don’t forget to join the conversation online. Your awareness and action can make a difference in protecting the Florida Everglades from invasive threats. Let’s work together to safeguard this natural treasure.

The Swamp School Expands Team with Addition of Veteran Instructor Greg Price

ANGIER, N.C., January 4, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – The Swamp School is pleased to announce the addition of Greg Price to its team of instructors.

Price brings with him more than 30 years of environmental consulting expertise and 20 years of teaching at a collegiate level. At The Swamp School, Price will teach both online and in-person courses on Stream Duration Assessment Model Training, Wetland Delineation, National Ordinary High Water Mark Training and Endangered and Threatened Species Assessment.

For over two decades, Price honed his skills and passion for environmental science as an employee for the North Carolina Department of Transportation, the N.C. Division of Water Quality and the N.C. Division of Environmental Management. In these roles and during his time as a private environmental consultant, Price developed an expertise for producing and reviewing environmental documents, such as protected species update reports, natural resource technical reports, environmental impact statements and environmental assessments. He is also trained in conducting natural resource investigations, stream biological monitoring and ambient water quality/stormwater monitoring.

Price graduated from Appalachian State University, where he earned his Master of Science and Bachelor of Arts degrees in Biology. He earned certification as an NC Certified Environmental Educator in 2001 and was licensed as a Professional Wetland Scientist in 2003. In August 2022, he received an Advanced Certificate in Native Plants with Honors from the North Carolina Botanical Garden.

“Greg brings to the team over three decades of hands-on environmental assessment experience that will greatly benefit our students,” said Marc Seelinger, founder, director and lead instructor of The Swamp School.

The Swamp School is honored to welcome Price to its team and is excited about the deep knowledge and decades of experience he brings to the classroom.

To learn more about The Swamp School, visit https://swampschool.org/.


Based in Angier, North Carolina, The Swamp School is a pioneer in delivering comprehensive online and in-person educational experiences tailored for professionals and technicians in the field of wetland science and management. Since its inception in 2002, The Swamp School has been exclusively dedicated to fostering growth and expertise in environmental professionals who are as committed to conservation and stewardship as we are.

For media inquiries, contact Rivers Agency:

Wetland Mitigation Banking

Wetland mitigation banking is an environmental policy tool used to compensate for the loss of wetland functions and values that may occur due to permitted development activities. It represents a market-based approach that allows for the restoration, creation, enhancement, or in some cases, preservation of wetlands to offset impacts from development. Mitigation banks are sites where wetlands and other aquatic resources are restored, created, enhanced, or, in exceptional cases, preserved expressly for the purpose of providing compensatory mitigation in advance of authorized impacts to similar ecosystem types.

History and Regulatory Framework

The concept of wetland mitigation banking emerged in the United States in the 1990s as a response to the loss of wetlands and the requirements of the Clean Water Act (CWA). Section 404 of the CWA establishes a program to regulate the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, including wetlands. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is tasked with permitting such activities, while the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides oversight.

The goal of the CWA is to achieve “no net loss” of wetlands, a policy which has been supported by successive administrations since the late 1980s. Wetland mitigation banking became a practical tool to achieve this goal, providing a way to compensate for wetland losses with the restoration or creation of wetlands elsewhere, ideally leading to equal or greater ecological benefit.

Implementation of Wetland Mitigation Banking

Mitigation banking works on the principle of wetland credits and debits. When wetlands are impacted by development, a debit is incurred, which must then be compensated by purchasing credits from a wetland mitigation bank. These banks are sites where wetlands have been restored or created with the explicit purpose of providing such credits.

The banks themselves are usually operated by private entities, non-profit organizations, or government agencies. They must adhere to strict criteria regarding the ecological restoration and must have a long-term management plan to ensure the persistence of the wetland functions and values over time. Mitigation banks are required to establish financial assurances, such as trusts or letters of credit, to ensure that sufficient funds are available for long-term management.

Benefits of Wetland Mitigation Banking

Mitigation banking offers several advantages over traditional project-by-project mitigation. The scale of mitigation banking often allows for a more comprehensive approach to restoring wetland functions, such as hydrology, water quality, and habitat for wildlife. By consolidating mitigation efforts, banks can potentially restore larger, more ecologically valuable wetlands, rather than piecemeal, often less successful, on-site mitigation efforts.

Moreover, mitigation banking provides a more efficient permitting process for developers. Since the bank sites are pre-approved, developers can purchase credits quickly, allowing for timely project advancement while ensuring that mitigation requirements are met.

Economically, mitigation banking has fostered a new industry, creating jobs and opportunities for environmental restoration and management. It encourages private investment in natural resources and leverages market forces to achieve environmental objectives.

Challenges of Wetland Mitigation Banking

Despite its potential benefits, wetland mitigation banking faces several challenges. The success of a mitigation bank depends on the ecological success of the wetlands restored or created, which can take years or even decades to fully realize. The science of wetland restoration is complex, and outcomes are not guaranteed.

The regulatory framework around wetland mitigation banking can also be complex and variable across different USACE districts, leading to uncertainty for bank developers and customers. There’s also the challenge of ensuring that the mitigation banks provide a level of ecological function equivalent to the wetlands that were lost, known as “functional equivalency.”

Furthermore, there is the issue of “service area,” the geographic limit within which a bank can sell credits. It is essential to ensure that credits are used within an ecologically appropriate distance to maintain landscape-level ecological integrity.

Future Prospects

As recognition of the importance of wetlands to biodiversity, climate regulation, and water quality continues to grow, wetland mitigation banking may become even more prominent in environmental policy and conservation efforts. Innovations in restoration ecology, increased regulatory clarity, and new financing mechanisms could enhance the effectiveness and appeal of wetland mitigation banking.

In the face of climate change, wetlands play a critical role in carbon sequestration and in buffering against extreme weather events, such as storms and floods. Wetland mitigation banks can be strategically located to not only replace lost wetland functions but also to contribute to climate adaptation and resilience.

The use of advanced monitoring technologies, including remote sensing and ecological modeling, can improve the assessment and long-term management of mitigation banks. Additionally, there’s potential for integrating wetland mitigation banking with other market-based conservation tools, like conservation banking for endangered species, which could lead to more comprehensive ecosystem-based management approaches.

Wetland mitigation banking represents an innovative intersection of environmental science, policy, and market economics. It offers a pragmatic solution to the complex problem of wetland loss, aligning economic development with conservation objectives. While it presents challenges, its evolution and refinement could be instrumental in advancing the goal of no net loss of wetlands.

As society moves forward in developing sustainable strategies for land use, mitigation banking will likely continue to play a vital role in reconciling development pressures with the imperative to preserve vital wetland ecosystems. Its success will depend not only on sound science and effective regulation but also on the continued collaboration between developers, conservationists, regulators, and the public. With ongoing attention to these factors, wetland mitigation banking has the potential to serve as a model for balancing human needs with the ecological imperatives of our time.