Frogs Playing Cards


Welcome to the Swamp School’s Wetland Games Page! Here, adventure meets education in the mysterious and vital world of wetlands. Our interactive games and activities are designed to immerse learners of all ages in the fascinating environment of swamps, marshes, and bogs, teaching important concepts of ecology, conservation, and wetland science through fun and engaging gameplay.

Featured Games:

  • Soil Taxonomy Challenge: Dive deep into the earth and uncover the secrets of soil layers. Perfect your knowledge of soil types and their importance to wetland ecosystems.
  • Wetland Warrior Quest (coming soon): Navigate through diverse wetland habitats, facing challenges and making decisions that affect the health of these crucial ecosystems. Become a champion for wetland conservation.
  • Birds of the Bog (coming soon): Identify and learn about the myriad of bird species that call wetlands home. This interactive birdwatching game sharpens your skills in recognizing bird calls and understanding their roles in the wetland food web.
  • Plant Puzzler (coming soon): Match wetland plants with their unique benefits to the ecosystem. From water filtration to providing habitat, learn the critical roles plants play in sustaining healthy wetlands.

Why Play?

Our games are more than just entertainment. They’re a portal to understanding the complexity and beauty of wetland ecosystems. Players will:

  • Gain valuable knowledge on wetland conservation and science.
  • Learn about the flora and fauna that inhabit these areas.
  • Understand the challenges wetlands face and how to protect them.

Join the Fun!

The Swamp School’s Wetland Games are open to students, teachers, and anyone eager to learn about the environment through interactive play. Whether you’re in the classroom or at home, our games provide a valuable educational tool to explore the wonders of wetlands.

Embark on your wetland adventure today. Learn, play, and become a wetland advocate with the Swamp School’s Wetland Games!