
wetland certification

What does a Swamp School Certification mean?

The Swamp School is a highly regarded industry expert in wetland science and related ecological topics and we offer certifications in many of our various programs.  Our certifications are recognized as the gold standard in our profession.  The courses we offer are often used to obtain additional licenses and certifications such as Professional Wetland Scientist (PWS) as well as provide superior continuing education.

What makes Swamp School Certification unique is that it makes a statement that says that a student has reached the highest level of status or achievement.  We require rigorous testing and demonstration of proficiency for all of our certifications.  In many cases, this requires the collection and analysis of field data that is then submitted to us for scrutiny and correction.

We do not take our role in this process lightly.  We work with students to help them gain mastery of the program in which they are enrolled.  We require an 80% final course grade to demonstrate mastery.  Our program includes tests, quizzes, assignments, class discussions and many other course activities.  If a student does not achieve the required 80% grade, a certificate will not be issued.

Our webinars also require full participation in order to receive a certificate of training.  We monitor attendance and track all login and log-out times.  Only students who participate for the full duration of the webinar are eligible for a certificate.  This includes students who choose to participate in the rebroadcast rather than the live webinar session since we track attendance in the rebroadcast as well.

If you are looking for a class just to check a box to say you were enrolled in a wetland program, then the Swamp School is probably not the best option for you.  There are other wetland-related classes in the marketplace that do not require much from students and these may be a better option for you.

If however, you truly desire to learn about wetlands and are excited to be a knowledgeable professional, able to demonstrate to your peers your proficiency on a wetland topic, then the Swamp School is the right place for you!  Be prepared to be challenged and work hard and in return, be rewarded with a vast new knowledge base and a certificate that is much more than just a piece of paper.